Rob Jung

Lead Product DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info



Rob Jung

Lead Product DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Mobile & Tablet
    Mobile & TabletThe most personal and exciting of all the platforms, 16 million smartphone users now consume Telegraph content on their mobiles every month. The Telegraph’s iPad edition holds its readers’ attention for a massive 38 minutes every day. It is the perfect platform for advertisers, offering 98% ABC1 readership and average ad dwell times of 10 seconds — 42% longer than the industry standard.
  • Telegraph App
    Telegraph AppAimed at people aged 25-44, The Telegraph app has been designed to welcome new readers to the world of high-quality digital journalism. Across the day, a dedicated design team translate the day's biggest headlines into cards for the app, providing readers with a quick visual take on the stories they can explore. The cards feature a unique visual language that reflects The Telegraph's take on a story, our design creativity and our brand values and guidelines. Here's a selection from January to M
  • Digital Design
  • UI Design
  • Interaction Design
  • UX Design
  • Product Design
  • User Experience
  • User Testing
  • Creative Direction
  • Strategy