Rodrigo Lariu

Rodrigo Lariu

Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Camila Santiago
Charlotte Brockman
Angel Stoyanov
Rodrigo Lariu

Rodrigo Lariu

Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I'm a TV producer, a zinester, an independent record label owner and a music lover. I started my own music fanzine in 1989 when I was 16. About the same age, I started organizing indie gigs in Rio de Janeiro. All this DIY action took me to MTV Brazil in 1994 and, since then, I've been working in the audiovisual area as a TV producer. In 2017, I have moved to London where work remotely as a freelance consultant to a Brazilian nationwide TV channel After 3 decades, the "indie DIY saga" has turned my fanzine into a record label, and an audiovisual Production House focused on promoting new Brazilian music and producing music-related content. My passions are music, the stories behind it and creating audiovisual content about it.
  • Music Videos in Latam are amazing!
    Music Videos in Latam are amazing![ENG] I was super happy with the invitation from the Bogotá Music Video Festival to be one of the jurors! The ones I chose didn't win but there were only amazing videos. [ESP] Me alegró mucho la invitación del Bogotá Music Video Festival para formar parte del jurado. Los que elegí no ganaron, pero sólo había vídeos increíbles. [PORT] Fiquei super feliz com o convite da Bogotá Music Video Festival para ser um dos jurados! Os que eu escolhi não ganharam mas só tinha vídeo incrível. https://www.
  • Translation and subtitling for Deezer Brazil documentary
    Translation and subtitling for Deezer Brazil documentaryDeezer in Brazil produced a cool documentary about the new wave of Brazilian Forró artists. Of course, the whole world needs to watch it, so Tatiana Germano and I translated and subtitled it to English.
  • PR in Brazil for UK singer Amazonica
    PR in Brazil for UK singer AmazonicaFew people realise that Brazil is one of the Top 3 music markets when it comes to music streaming. Promoting new releases in Brazil is a good path to increase listeners' quantity and quality and also a 'cheaper' path to streaming money. British superstar DJ and singer Amazonica is re-releasing her "Songs From The Edge" album and we are promoting it in Brazil. This music video, "I've Been Down", brilliantly edited by Tatiana Germano, is one of the pieces we are using to present Amazonica's musi
  • WEI: Video for crowdfunding campaign
    WEI: Video for crowdfunding campaignProduce and assisted editing of the video for the crowdfunding campaign for WEI: WomenWith_Epic_Ideas.
  • Video for crowdfunding campaign to Clima Investments
    Video for crowdfunding campaign to Clima InvestmentsVery proud to have produced this video for Clima Investments. Clima Investments' crowdfunding will create an Index of Global Decarbonisation Enablers, so investors can put their money in companies that are really 'green' and not in those that are only doing 'less harm'. Me and Tatiana did all the shooting, Tatiana edited and I assisted her.
  • True Love Will Find You in the End
    True Love Will Find You in the EndDuring the lockdown, six musicians from bands on my label (midsummer madness) recorded versions of Daniel Johnston's "True Love Will Find You in the End". The idea was sending a message of hope. Musicians from cities like Milan, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, home-recorded their renditions of the song. Tatiana Germano edited the video, I assisted her, mixed the audio for the video and did all executive production to put the EP out. Cover art was comissioned to João Pesce and Chandra Drummond.
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Projects credited in
  • The WEI - or Women (with) Epic Ideas
    The WEI - or Women (with) Epic IdeasUpgrade your job or get a promotion with personalized monthly reads, courses, events and coach support - in one place. Help us create the first career progression platform optimized for (but not exclusive to) women. We are inviting all creatives to help make it happen. Fund our Kickstarter campaign:
Work history
    Assistant to Music CurationROXi
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Matching audio to videos to ensure its technical quality; Weekly analysis of playlists audience; Assisting in playlist creation and music video research.
    TV Programming ConsultantLinks Audiovisual
    São Paulo, BrazilFreelance
    Preparing daily programming grid Supervising video files Editing Liaising with production houses
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  • TV Production
  • Production
  • Research
  • Content Writing
  • Music Administration
  • Music Blogging
  • Documentary Video
  • Assistant Editing
  • Podcasting
  • Production Management
    Graduated in Media and CommunicationFederal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    graduated in Publishing / Communication – UFRJ (1991 – 1995) My final project was mapping musical fanzines from Brazil.
    OnlineHarvard University
     - London, United Kingdom
    12-week online course about Copyright Law - promoted by ITX (Brazilian Institute), UERJ (Brazilian University) and Harvard
    Natura Musical 2019Natura
    Edital Natura Musical 2019 (Brazil) submitted a project to produce a 100+ songs compilation to celebrate my record label's 30 years anniversary. The project was selected for a prize worth R$80.000,00 (Brazilian currency).
    Best Non-Fiction SeriesConverge Tela Viva
    Award - Best Non-Fiction Series "Hoje Eu Desafio o Mundo..." Prêmio Converge Tela Viva 2014 (Brazil) While I was a manager at PlayTV