Sam Kallen

Sam Kallen

Senior DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Hannah E. Davies
Jennifer Hayashi
Sam Kallen

Sam Kallen

Senior DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Senior Designer and Art Director at Leo Burnett London.
  • McDonalds - McCafe Hot
    McDonalds - McCafe HotPress ads for McCafe poking fun at fancy coffee shops, playing on the simplicity of their coffee.
  • Batiste Social
    Batiste SocialBatiste Art Direction and Design for Batiste's monthly instagram content consisting of GIFs and image. January's edition was of course about 'new year, new you' - with a fresh colour pallette and a lighter, more fresh feel.
  • The Three Bears
    The Three BearsRowse Honey For their 2017 campaign, Rowse wanted people to use their honey on porridge more. BMB’s idea was to create an online cooking show based on the Three Bears, famous for their love of porridge. This modern retelling of the story however had the bears as three big, beardy gay men - bears being a slang term for big, strong gay men with beards. The campaign was a huge hit amongst the gay community and in general, and helped to portray an under-represented subculture. My role was in helping to develop the modern-storybook art direction and taking design lead across the four films, digital, social and the outdoor print campaign.
  • Get Close
    Get CloseBatiste Campaign look and feel for Batiste’s product launch of their new 2 in 1 dry shampoo and conditioner. As part of the campaign, I designed the campaign look and feel for a national TV campaign, Batiste’s social channels and an out-of-home print campaign. The OOH campaign was made up of ads in crowded environments, such as a busy tube carriage or a lift. The art direction played on this further with tight crops and uncomfortable text.
  • Hands Full
    Hands FullHula Hoops Campaign look and feel for Hula Hoops campaign around getting out of the things you don’t want to do. For Hula Hoops’ 2017 campaign - When it comes to the crunch. I was responsible for creating the look and feel for TV, Print and Social. The TV spot used the line ’Sorry, got my hands full’, as a way for people to getting out of the things they don’t want to do, using Hula Hoops on the fingers as the excuse. I devised an illustrated lockup for use on social media that played on this, as a way for Hula Hoops to respond reactively to real life examples of people getting out of unwanted tasks. I also used this aesthetic for the TV titles and print campaign.
  • Class of 97
    Class of 97BMB Website and Instagram GIF page celebrating 20 years since Mary Smich’s fake graduation speech Wear Sunscreen. In May 2017, it had been 20 years since Mary Schmich’s hypothetical graduation speech that became the first ’viral’ phenomenon that shaped the way we use the internet today - Ladies and Gentleman of the class of 97. To celebrate this, we created a web-based article that nodded to the ’ugly’ pixelated aesthetic of the time whilst using modern, responsive web-design. The reading experience was enhanced with GIFs saved in 1997 style, low-quality - but using 2017 imagery. This was to show that the speech is still just as relevant to the youth of 2017.
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Work history
    Creative DesignerLeo Burnett London
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Cheil logo
    Cheil logo
    UI DesignerCheil
     - 22 Lavington St, London SE1 0NX, UKFreelance
    Month stint working on a UI and Experiential project for Cheil London, on behalf of BMB.
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  • Art Direction
  • UX
  • UI Design
  • Typography
  • Design Direction
  • Creative
  • Creative Retouching
  • Graphic Design
  • Motion Design
  • Branding Design
    University of Leeds logo
    University of Leeds logo
    BA (Hons) Graphic Communication & Design (Ind)University of Leeds
     - Leeds, United Kingdom
    3 years studying + 1 year in industry at Trinity Expert Systems (Now Trustmarquee) in Coventry