Tascha Von Uexkull

Tascha Von Uexkull

Workshop facilitatorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Raymond Moreno
Tascha Von Uexkull

Tascha Von Uexkull

Workshop facilitatorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I'm a workshop facilitator, writer, producer and creative with a passion for opening up the arts and creative opportunities to young people. Last year I founded my own youth collective in this pursuit and continue to direct it and take it in new, exciting directions. I am currently seeking freelance work to go alongside my current commitments, ideally in workshop facilitation and/or museum learning.
  • Designed the logo for my youth collective Assemblage
    Designed the logo for my youth collective AssemblageAfter setting up my collective of young creatives ages 18-26 and collaboratively deciding on Assemblage as a name, I realised we needed a logo to bring together all of our promotional material and social media content. Therefore I designed this logo by using a collage technique, making the letters from various collage materials and then assembling them in a way that I thought represented the ethos of the collective. I then scanned this in and made some digital edits. We've since used it on all o
  • London Skyline Challenge
    London Skyline ChallengeThis is a relevant to all teachers and families! Celebrating Architecture and Open City present architecture and design-themed creative learning activities perfect for home education and designed around STEAM components of the national curriculum. This first launch activity asks families to recreate their favourite building in London out of anything their have in their recycling bin! For more info please check out the link here: https://open-city.org.uk/learning/activities/junkitecture/
Projects credited in
  • Curated and designed Zine 3 collaborately with Assemblage Collective 'We Think Too Much and Feel Too Little'.
    Curated and designed Zine 3 collaborately with Assemblage Collective 'We Think Too Much and Feel Too Little'.Balance of lifted memories involve various approaches: cultural, childlike and minimalist luxurious approaches.
  • Andy Warhol - Retrospective Review
    Andy Warhol - Retrospective ReviewA published piece for an arts blog (www.tashtasticblog.wordpress.com) discussing the Tate Modern retrospective of Andy Warhol's work which I walk lucky to see before the Gallery closed. This is a look at Warhol's relevance today in a modern, post-Covid world.
  • Assemblage zine issue 1
    Assemblage zine issue 1As a collective, we collaboratively created our first A5 zine filled with creative writing, photography, illustration, and collage. It's divided into four themes, encompassing issues that were on our minds during lockdown and bringing our creative practices together into a unified creative output. You can purchase one here if you fancy supporting us: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/929537590/assemblage-zine-issue-1-physical-copy?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1 Thank you! x
Work history
    Youth & Communities ManagerFoundling Museum
    40 Brunswick Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1AZ, UKPart Time
    Leading the youth collective in residence programme and developing, managing and implementing young peoples' events; recruiting artists to facilitate creative workshops relating to the Museum's collection; facilitating meetings and workshops; co-designing creative projects with collective members; meeting Arts Council goals and reporting achievements; evaluating all aspects of the programme; managing volunteers and artists; contributing to funding applications; delivering effective budget management; establishing connections with local arts organisations and youth programmes. Supporting in the delivery of creative programmes for care experienced young people including a new digital platform, traineeships and an alumni programme.
    Museum of London logo
    Museum of London logo
    Learning facilitatorMuseum of London
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    - Supporting staff, Learning Practitioners and freelancers at small and large events for a wide range of audiences including schools, families, community groups, people living with dementia, children with special educational needs and disabilities, and young people - Providing enthusiastic and engaging gallery introductions for primary and secondary school groups based on information provided by the museum - Helping the Museum to maintain records of activities, including counting the number of people at events and collecting feedback from a variety of people - Supervising and supporting volunteers to complete their tasks - Preparing resources and activities, including setting up and packing down, and moving resources through the museum
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  • Team Coaching
  • Creative Team
  • Academic Writing
  • Confident Communicator
  • Proactive
  • Problem Solving
  • Children’s Workshops
  • Creative Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Positive Attitude
    Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) English Literature and History of ArtUniversity of York
     - Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK
    3 A levels - English Literature (A), Religious Studies (A*), History of Art (B)La Swap Sixth Form
     - Highgate Rd, Highgate, London NW5 1RP, UK
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