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1 Leonard Circus 3rd Floor London EC2A 4DQ - 3rd Floor, Victoria House, 1 Leonard Circus, London EC2A 4DQ, UK

Organised by BIMA

Join us to delve into the topic of how your agency can foster a more inclusive digital future.

About this event
Join the BIMA Bridge Council and BIMA DEI Council for a morning of inspiration and empowerment around refugees, immigration and employment. The BIMA Bridge Council is trying to revolutionise the digital landscape by connecting refugees and asylum seekers with meaningful employment opportunities in the UK's digital and creative industries. Hear from some charities working in this space, as well as someone with lived experience of being an immigrant and working their way up in tech.
The BIMA Bridge Council have also recently launched a new platform dedicated to empowering asylum seekers and refugees with digital skills to find meaningful employment in the UK. Their jobs board is now live and ready for vacancy submissions. The jobs board is an exciting opportunity to discover a diverse pool of talent, each with a unique story and perspective, ready to contribute to your team. By engaging with the BIMA Bridge Council, you're filling your talent needs and significantly impacting the lives of individuals eager to rebuild their careers in a new home.
📣 Why Attend:
  • Discover BIMA Bridge: Learn about the the BIMA Bridge council's mission and how it's reshaping employment and diversity in the digital sector.
  • Hear Success Stories: Be inspired by the journeys of individuals who have transitioned from seeking refuge to thriving in fulfilling careers in the UK. Gain insights from charities who’s mission it is to help people gain jobs once they arrive in the UK.
  • Network: Connect with industry leaders, forward-thinking employers, and the vibrant community driving BIMA Bridge's mission forward.
  • Get Involved: Explore opportunities to contribute, whether as an employer posting your first job or as a supporter amplifying the initiative's impact.


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BIMA Breakfast | Bridging the Gap: Empowering Digital Talent3rd Floor, Victoria House, 1 Leonard Circus, London EC2A 4DQ, UK