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215 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7EZ - The Eagle Bldg, 215 Bothwell St, Glasgow G2 7EZ, UK

Organised by AND Digital

Join us for a fireside chat as part of Glasgow Tech Week: AND Digital and Heineken UK will discuss how to build an innovation culture.

About this event
Heineken UK and AND Digital have been working together on a number of projects since 2023.
This fireside chat, as part of the Glasgow Tech Week, focuses on the challenges and opportunities around setting up a successful innovation team. The panel will cover operational challenges, how to create and nurture a shared mindset and ways to elevate stakeholder engagement.
There will be opportunity to ask questions to our panelists as well as network after the completion of the discussion.
We invite all parties who have a vested interest in innovation, the use of digital tools and the desire to enable of people to be their best-selves.

Participant takeaways:
  • Key ways of working to support an innovation culture
  • Approaches to synchronise your team's mindset in facing challenges
  • Utilisation of tech and digital tools to enhance collaboration


Attendees — 2

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Building an innovation culture within a Global OrganisationThe Eagle Bldg, 215 Bothwell St, Glasgow G2 7EZ, UK