Paid event
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792 High Road London N17 0DH - 792 High Rd, London N17 0DH, UK
Join us to fine tune how you talk about your work and join a Sarabande Artist Crit with Stephen Akpo and Sophie Lloyd

About this event
Not sure what medium to experiment with next? Want to fine tune how you talk about your work? Look no further! Join a Sarabande Artist Crit led by current Sarabande residents Stephen Akpo and Sophie Lloyd.
All artists, no matter your experience or creative field, are invited to join us. This is an opportunity to engage with your peers, sharing insights and perspectives about your creative endeavours in a supportive and enriching environment. Your artistic journey is unique, and we want to hear about it. Come, be a part of the conversation!
Tickets very limited!
If you are no longer able to make the event, please get in touch via info@sarabandefoundation.org or 020 3814 8631 so we can release your spot to another attendee.
About Sarabande Foundation
Sarabande was set up by the late designer, Lee Alexander McQueen, who left the majority of his estate to support creative and visionary talent. In addition to providing scholarships and studio space for artists, Sarabande produces a number of events, from the practical to the inspirational.
Sarabande operates from a listed Stable Block conversion in Haggerston, where 15 studios form a creative community with designers and artists from multiple disciplines. Immersed in the hub of East London’s rich creative spirit, Sarabande exudes all that encompasses the creative sphere. The building is home to a plethora of artisans reflecting the multifarious span of Lee’s talent and the variety of craftspeople he worked with his own collections. Amongst others, our tactile artists include sculptors, fashion designers, jewellers, textile designers, painters, performance artists, silversmiths, costume designers, ceramicists, and dancers. Alongside these, Sarabande also houses filmmakers, animators, photographers, digital designers, and visual artists.


Attendees — 2

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Artist Crit with Stephen Akpo and Sophie Lloyd792 High Rd, London N17 0DH, UK