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105 Carpenters Road, London E20 2AR - London, United Kingdom
Photographer Alys Tomlinson discusses her body of work ‘Gli Isolani’ (The Islanders).
The Centre for Fashion Curation (UAL) is hosting a talk by acclaimed photographer Alys Tomlinson, who - through her body of work ‘Gli Isolani’ (The Islanders) - will open up about her research, process and approach to documenting these islanders’ costumes and rituals.
“Over two years, I photographed locals dressed in costumes inspired by paganism, fables and folklore. Working on analogue film with a large format plate camera, the images evoke a timeless quality and invite us to enter a haunting world of good and evil, the sacred and profane. Many of the portraits appear as characters we may have encountered in our own imagination, as boundaries between fiction and reality become blurred.
The series reflects the importance of community and togetherness in an increasingly discordant world. In maintaining these traditions passed down through generations, the images capture some of the mystery and atavism of these deep-rooted cultural rituals and beliefs” - Alys Tomlinson.
This event is a response to the Making More Mischief: Folk Costume exhibition at London College of Fashion, UAL. The event is organised by Dr Flavia Loscialpo, Cultural and Historical Studies Department, London College of Fashion (LCF, UAL), with the support of the Centre for Fashion Curation, UAL. It is open to the UAL community, current students, practitioners and the broader public.
The talk is followed by a Q&A, moderated by Dr Flavia Loscialpo (LCF) and Mellany Robinson (LCF).
This event is free and open to all, please register to attend.


Attendees — 5

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Rethinking Folklore: In Conversation with Alys TomlinsonLondon, United Kingdom