Anyone know the best way of hiring an Account Director? It's our more senior hire and I'm super nervous! Joe Binder


  • @Joe Binder you're welcome, and apologies for the typos!! Best of luck finding an epic new team member :)
  • @Lindsey Moran Thank you so much, Lindsey. Good point on the Pro-rata! I tried to make the job spec clear, but it could definitely do with some work. Thanks so much for your response. This is the first time I've asked a question here and received a response :)
  • Hi Joe, well it's a great time to be hiring! If you post in the right places then you stand a good chance of being inundated so be really clear about what you're looking for, not only to help candidates but also to help you with the shortlisting process so you can do it as easily and fairly as possible.
    I've had a look at your advert and it struck me that you have a pro rata salary, but the role appareas to be full time? You should clarify if this is the case. Also, where have you posted it? Putting it on here is great in my view as you are gonig to reach a focused and highly qualified audience. Love The Dots! It's a great community :)

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