Are you a brand or publication in search for content?

Hello business people, have you ever felt that bubbling despair when you realize that, to run your business, you must split into a million people?

Develop a good product, sales strategies, marketing plans and to top it all up, you have to create engaging content to try and retain or reach new clients. Argh, that's a lot!

If you are the person described above, I'm glad to bare great news: I have arrived, your content fairy godmother 🧚‍♀️

My name is Lívia, I'm a writer with 5 years experience, mainly on areas such as Film/TV, Travel, Fashion and Literature. But truly, I have written about almost every topic existing in this planet! Oh, I also write fiction. 💫📚

You can check out some of my work here:



If I have the voice and style you are looking for, here are some of the services I offer:

- E-books
- Podcast scripts
- YouTube video scripts
- Blog posts/Articles
- Newsletters/Email campaings
- Site Copy

Or any other writing project you might need help with! By the way, all the services can be hired either as a contributor or as a ghostwriter.



Alright, you've seen some of my work, you like my vibe and you want to hire me. Fear not, because the process is very simple!

You can either DM me through The Dots or send me an email at In the message you should especify the following:

- Who are you? (Business or Sole Trader)

- What service are you looking for?

- Is this a one-and-done or is this part of a campaign with a theme?

- Estimate amount of words.

- Documents/info you want in the text.

- Deadline for the project.

I will respond within 24 hours, just to confirm I have received the request and I'm availabe for the job. I charge $0.10/word (except for scripts, these I do closed packages) and you will pay after I deliver the job. If you'd like to request alterations, I can provide up to three request with no charge.


I'm really excited to dive into new projects and look forward to hearing from your ideas.



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