Call for Participants: Collaborative Art Project on Individuality and Daily Routine

Hello everyone,

I’m currently directing a collaborative art project centered around the themes of individuality and daily routine. My specific focus is "finding the beauty within the everyday," and I plan to create a large-scale piece based on this concept. To make this project as impactful as possible, I would love to involve as many people as I can, and I’m currently looking for at least 10 more participants to join.

So, how can you be involved?

Since the project is centered on daily life, I’m asking individuals to choose a day within the next few (the deadline is Sunday, September 29th) to document. This simply involves taking around 30 photos throughout your day that best capture the essence of your routine .From these photos, I will create miniature drawings that represent each person's daily life and combine them into a large, unified artwork. The aim is to showcase how individuality and routine can differ, yet strangely connect, highlighting the beauty within the mundane aspects of everyday life.

This is an interactive piece that allows participants to actively engage in the artistic process by capturing moments from their day, encouraging them to see the beauty in their routines. It also offers viewers a chance to feel a sense of connection and understanding through the shared experience.

If you're interested in contributing or have any questions, please reach out. I would love to have you onboard!
My email:


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