Check out my live competition entry for Masego’s limited edition Glastonbury merch & please vote if you love the design ✨ More info below

I don’t usually post, but I think it’s important to share ideas and stray away from imposter syndrome as a creative.

A lecturer once told me to never stop working on passion projects - ideas that make you light up and excited so much, that the work itself doesn’t feel anything close to a chore.

With this in mind, I came across Oditi fka Prospect 100 (a platform hosting briefs to help keep creatives inspired and provide live opportunities) and found a competition I loved the sound of.

So here’s my submission for Masego’s limited edition Glastonbury merch. A chance for my design to debut on stage and the opportunity to meet an icon, whose music and creativity drives my love for passion projects. 

If you love the design, please vote by clicking a like and sharing (you'll need your email for a confirmation code).
Thanks so much!! ✨😎


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