Could someone help look over my CV? I've been having trouble getting interviews and I want to see if the problem is somewhere in my CV

I've only had on and off freelance jobs for the last 4 years and nothing thats really lasted for more than a few months. I've been so all over with jobs within my indsutry (film) and I can't seem to build up enough experience in one field or another in order to stick to any one career path. I'm looking to be an editor, but I also want to be open to work as a videographer.

The most recent job is not a career change but just because it was the only job i could find that was stable for the duration of the covid lockdowns. I kept it in just to show that I had been working though covid, but should I take it out and then just explain to to emoployers if they ask?

Thanks to anyone who reads this, its very much appreciated!


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