Hey, I am looking for Freelance Business Development Managers across the U.K. for the car finance sector.

Offering our extensive products for car dealerships to increase the sales and consumer journey.


  • Good work.
    I am really happy to be able to apply for your project.
    Thank you for choosing this proposal from among the many applications.
    I have been working in the IT department for over 10 years.
    I have developed many Backend projects using Nodejs.
    He also has extensive experience in developing MERN Stack and MEAN Stack with ReactJs and Angular.
    In particular, I have a lot of experience in full-stack development with Vuejs using TypeScript.
    By the way, we can work whenever you want.
    You can contact me at work from 9:00 to 19:00 on weekdays and holidays.
    *We will respond within 1 hour after receiving your inquiry.
    In addition to meeting delivery deadlines, we also strive to maintain careful communication.
    You can contact us via Skype, Chatwork, or Slack.
    ***We can also hold a meeting via web conference, so please let us know the schedule. ***
    I would be very happy if I could use this request as a chance to build a relationship that allows us to work together in the future.
    Thank you very much for your understanding.
  • @Yasmine Patpatia ideally sales related, but would be interested in a chat relating to building it out.
  • Hi Reece, are you looking for someone to help you build this out, or more on the sales side?

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