Hi! Aspiring photographer/ creative looking for a mentor or any advice on how to gain experience in the creative field:)

If anyone has the time to share any tips with me it would be massively appreciated!


  • Heya! I’ve noticed that many people start out as studio assistants and then progress through the company into other roles when they become available. Could be worth doing!
  • Hi Brooke,

    The most valuable experience you can gain is to assist a photographer in the particular field you’re looking to work in, learn how they run their business, how they run a shoot and manage and collaborate with a creative team on set.

    That paired with work in creative agencies will give you experience whilst working with seasoned pros.

    A foot in the door as a production assistant or in any way you can could give you a kickstart that could take years of trial and error alone.

    Good luck!
  • Hey Brooke, I've spent nearly 7 years in the creative industry plus I've got my own business in which not only do I help businesses but individuals such as yourself. If your interested for more information lets connect? :)
  • Hi Brooke! I’m a Creative Coach and would love to support you with this. Shall we book a free session and see how I can support? If you’re interested just send me a DM :-)

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