Hi everyone, I have this very nice editorial video project with Elle x Bulgari and I'm looking for a music producer.
Since it's an editorial project, budget is quite minimal - but negotiable.
The video is in edit right now, but lacks the perfect music. We want to collaborate on this very nice project and create an amazing piece for all our portfolio (and references) in a teamwork.
I'm the director and based in Germany. Please excude any English mistakes :)
For further information feel free to contact me mail@lindaleitner.com
- Interested! Just emailed you :)
- Hi @Linda LeitnerI have just sent you an email on behalf of myself and partner. We have a wide range of experience in writing to briefs and would love to discuss this more in depth.Cheers!
- Hi Linda, I have DM you on email. Am interested to find out more about the project. Best, Caterina
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