Hi everyone! I just wanted to tell you about my new creativity sessions for creative anxiety that I'm launching on Monday the 22nd of March.

Have you ever experienced a little, but quite loud voice in your head telling you that what you are creating is not good enough? That you are going to fail? That no one would like it? Then you have experienced (are experiencing) creative anxiety.

After researching about creative anxiety and ways to fight it, I designed and tried out some exercises. I thought that it could be helpful for other creators and that’s why I decided to open a Twitch channel for anyone to join me while creating and supporting each other through creativity sessions.

Each session consists of an exercise based on the principle of constrained creativity. This means that we set a few parameters to make our brain focus on one possibility rather than on the infinite ones that our mind goes through when we stare at a blank page. We create “a box” and we think inside it.

If you want to know more about it, please follow the link to my website, or directly follow me on my Twitch channel to get alerts when the sessions start. I hope to see you there!



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