Hi,i am looking for a photographer to create a common project with my poetry and his/her photography.

Hi,i am Kostas from Athens,Greece.I am looking for a photographer of all levels to participate in a common project with my poetry and his/her photography.The project is about humans in the urban landscapes,good inside evil,evil inside good,humanity in the times of Capitalism,a flower outgrowing the cement,a child that outruns the cops that are hunting it.Its a beam of a melancholy in a world that changes significantly by the day.It is not a paid project since i dont have the money to support it so all i can share is the credits of the project and a new character unlocked in your life's story.


  • @Kostantinos Karyotis of course !!
    I'm so sorry being so late - I didn't had a notification on your answer and I'm not so often in here -
    You can answer on my email or on Instagram it will be more fluent ;)
  • @Pierre Nativel I just checked your work in instagram and its fabulous.Can i contact you there for further details and discussion Pierre?
  • Hi Kostas,
    I would be interested in such collaboration !
    I live in Paris - but the internet can help in this kind of situation. And I move quite often.
  • @Samreen Shah It doesnt have a specific place.Its more like two differents sides of the same story on different sides of the planet.So if you are willing to participate you can do it from anywhere really.
  • Hey! This sounds really interesting and I would love to help if I could.
    My Instagram is @mlangleys and I have a website which is https://mlangleys.com

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