Hi! I'm seeking volunteers to play a Demo and share their feedback. Can you help?


  • @Rimma Snesar Sanchez Hey Rimma, do you need help or more info? How's it going? Let me know.
  • @Rimma Snesar Sanchez Hi Rimma,
    There are two approaches:
    1) Use a template: there is an example here:
    Steam Review Template (vojtastruhar.github.io)
    2) Follow an accepted structure and write your own review:
    How to Write a Video Game Review: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (wikihow.com)
    I'd suggest using both. I'm hoping to complete this survey for the benefit of the developer, who worked hard to make the game for the lifelong learners of TTL and needs feedback to move forward. I think both types of feedback would be beneficial and in different ways.
    Thank you for your help.

  • @skoory squirrel good afternoon! Sure I’d like to help- how should I send you the feedback? And what format should the feedback be in?
  • @Rimma Snesar Sanchez Good morning Rimma, talktogetherlondon.org launched a bomberman type game in February. We are looking for volunteers who like bomberman type games to play the free Demo on the website and share their feedback with us. Can you help?

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