How do businesses feel about working with digital nomads who post about their travels and sightseeing via their professional channels?

I follow a large number of social media marketers on instagram - it's great to see how others in the same field run their businesses! But many who work remotely and travel to exotic places at the same time, post videos looking out of airplane windows, or photos sunbathing on beaches.

It's fab that they're having a great time, living a full life, and I can see how those who follow them for tips on their own SMM careers could be inspired. But what of potential clients? How do you feel watching the people you pay X amount per month to manage your socials drinking aperols at 2pm?

It's not a judgement on what they do, more on the sharing of it. If you're getting the work done, why would one care *how* it gets done? I too have been lucky to travel alongside this flexible job, but never posted about it, maybe out of fear of what clients could think. So I'd love to know - what's your opinion?


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