How do you navigate uncertainty?

The last few weeks have been some of the most stressful and the most difficult of my life.

Cancer is now a daily word and theme and Nick started emergency chemotherapy last week in preparation for a stem cell transplant later this year.

What we dreaded happening, has happened. We were always told the cancer was very likely to progress but of course we also hoped it would not, or at least that we would have more time.
Amidst spreadsheets of multiple drugs, regular hospital visits and monitoring for side effects, we choose to face this new phase in our lives with dignity, grace and strength.

This is a daily practice and one that is not always easy. Yet sickness is part of life and we will all face our mortality one day. It’s just that most of the time, it’s easier and more comfortable not to.

Yet we are so much stronger than we think!

When life throws you a pivotal and traumatic event, and it will, you are much more able to handle it than you may think or when you imagine the unthinkable. There is shock, emotional swings, horrible lows and all sorts to navigate alongside sadness and grief for what you have lost. I often think about the “carefree” times before all of this happened just six months ago.

In this week's blog, Emma Sue shares her tips for navigating extremely difficult times:


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