Join us to discover the wilderness of your own heart! Book My Spot Now!

Salvage Live is all about creating an unforgettable experience and delivering invaluable awareness lead by phenomenal individuals who have evolved with their practices over time but more importantly create an inestimable value to our viewers.

Dancing around the chaos have you ever felt like you not going ahead and life has just pushed you back again and again and again? Over the years, all I have done is cover up my experiences and not take the time to acknowledge the pain and make peace with it. It is time we give ourselves the love we deserve and it all starts from unfolding our deeper experiences of life alongside bring harmony with everything within us and around.

Make sure you are accessible during
22nd, 29th of November
and 06th of December 2020! at 5:00 PM! (EST)
Wishing you love and light!

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