Looking for a developer/s to help us build a groundbreaking dyslexia reader - guaranteed profile raiser
We're looking to build a free online reader for ad students with dyselxia. They're currently feeling that Uni reading lists are a barrier to them accessing the knowledge they need. So we want to change that.
The reader's going to combine customisable text, audio and video.
We have a great UX figured out and are working on the UI at the moment.
This is a not-for-profit project so we have some money for development, but not nearly as much as we need in all honesty.
But this is something that has serious traction in the ad industry - all sorts of great ECDs and industry organisations are involved in this. In other words it's one that's going to be a real profile booster.
We want to launch in Sept/October, so the timings are (of course) tight.
We have a small team working on this, and we want someone to be able to join us and make this happen.
And just to repeat, we can pay you, just not as much as you probably deserve. Sorry about that!
Look forward to hearing from you.
- Unfortunately I cannot help you with the development side of the project however I am interesting in having a look at the design, just out of general interest!
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