Looking for a product designer passionate about analogue/smartphone photography

Hey People!

It's going to be an ardouos but fullfilling journey! Planning to give to smartphone phortography users an incredible analogue experience by creating a cool gadget device!

I am a video editor with a great passion to take pictures and I need your help to reach millions of people!


  • Hi. It's really cool when a smartphone takes professional photos. I have one, and I always admire the quality of the photos. However, I sometimes have problems with my computer because I rarely use it and don't really know how it works.But I'm not worried about it, because I know that consultants from https://howly.com/computers/issue-monitor/ can always help.They have all the skills to quickly resolve any PC issues.
  • @Justin Marazita Thank you for your response and your interest about the project!

    We can have a chat using google hangouts to discuss more about the project.

    My email is jkcdj95@gmail.com

    Looking forward for it!

    Jay K. Composta
  • I'm interested in learning more about project. I'm a product designer that uses analogue photography for my personal art I create. www.marazita.com

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