New website launched - would love to get your feedback ☺

Hello lovely community ☀

I've just launched my newly developed website at:

Up-skilling and developing my website from scratch has been quite a journey. And I've pretty much done it on my own so if any of you have got a few minutes to spare to give me some feedback on it I'd hugely appreciated.

Thanks so much. ☺


  • Regardsing messaging I do believe that you should try to keep most big text under 3-4 lines. In this case it is impressive and easy to read and almost automatic.

    Smaller text. I would make it bit wider.
    I don´t know if you focus is on SEO however I would probably shorten some messages there too. With your design style could look much more impactful.
  • @Tanel S , thank you so much for your elaborted feedback!

    I'm definitely going to work on the small imperfections - like the border radius and the work imgs or vertical scroll bar on the nav menu - but also want to improve on my messaging overall and make sure that web design is equally represented.

    I should probably also think about reducing the H2 font size a bit in order to enhance that readability you pointed out and will definitely get some new headshots done to add them to the about me.

    This is exactly what I've been after so I really appreciate the time you took to look into this. 🙂

  • Looks good however there are things to improve to get it to perfection.

    I like the slightly branded retro feeling. Gives me a Scott Hansen vibe a bit and I was a huge fan. Just an idea. Perhaps some textures could add even more depth in some parts.

    I am probably in that group of people who don´t like this brownish orange. It's a personal opinion however I just state that in my opinion bold choice.

    Will list some other things I noticed.

    1) Missing favicon
    2) The black logo and hamburger icon don´t look balanced. Also, I get that black is good for contrast but it looks a bit strange with beige hero text.
    3) Heading I like. Clear and interesting font. Gives a design vibe.
    4) Like work thumbnails. Clean and work stand out and looks interesting.

    So far strong first impression overall.

    5) And then I notice. Small grid gap between works. But no space above.
    Work thumbnails have a few px of border radius. This radius thing repeats later and creates a few px of the gap.

    If I ever look at designer portfolios one of the main things is how much attention they pay to details.

    6) Not clear except cursor pointer that thumbnails are actually links. They seem like a hero image.

    7) See all my work button feels randomly aligned. Also making the spacing around testimonials look weird.

    8) I can help....
    I understand the design style. But there is a large L-shaped empty space.

    Perhaps trying to fit H2 into 4-5 lines makes it easier to read.

    9) About me. Perhaps try to fit this section with the previous and more into the grid. Or so that things are a bit more aligned.
    I like this overhanging part and would make it higher. So that top edge of the button aligns with the bottom edge of your photo.

    With this kind of web design style and text placement, you have so many opinions to play with the grid. Try to get the maximum out of it.

    10) Footer & CTA. Like overall clean look. I would try to make it so that it fits 3 maybe 4 lines. Now you are talking about identity.
    Your work thumbs and hero said also web design.

    Contact page
    Form is too low. Form UX is bad. I can´t choose web and identity at the same time.
    Consider making it shorter. You want to make it stupidly simple for clients to contact you. Does it really matter how they heard about you? Ask later.

    I would move the book a call button up. Perhaps to the brown part on left.

    Hamburger nav.
    Your nav has a vertical scroll bar visible. Chrome.

    Strong work, page loads really slow. Probably images could be optimized.
    I am personally not a fan of covering images with hover.
    I do like the grid layout but in terms of UX it would be better if the project name + what you did is always visible.

    Open the project page. I would add maybe the next project at the end so its easy to see more.

    Not sure if it is intentional but it is halfway out of the box. I didn´t see any negative spacing elsewhere so it feels like a mistake.

    When I open the accordion it selects + icon. Disable that.

    Typography could use some work to make it more readable. Nothing bad though.

    About page. Perhaps some photos or works or a bit more personality.
    Feels a bit try and text-heavy and it's not the best readability.

    Got a pretty long list but its not bad and most of it is just picking. Your average client doesn´t notice much of those things. Readability and making your website easier to browse is probably important.

    If you want to archive complete swiss precision I think there are some things to polish still.

  • Hey Deborah, I just had a look through your website and think it looks great! With the colour palette and typeface choice the whole thing feels very cohesive. It's also very easy to navigate and I love the way you talk the viewer through packages and other options. Great job! :)

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