Pandemic! We've been here before....Would anyone like to explore how we can learn about the future of our pandemic, thru history's lens?

Join Robin Hanbury-Tenison & Juliet Coombe to discuss how pandemics impacted 400 years ago and how history is uncannily repeating itself!

About this Event

Join the makers of epic new book Mayflower A Seachange for another thought-provoking webinar: "Pandemic, plandemic, scamdemic, hysteric or just academic? Everyone has a view, and there are many, so it’s time to dig deeper and look at bigger perspectives from more angles, starting with The Great Dying and the historical events that led up to The Mayflower Story and how excessive bias can stop us learning from history.
One of the most fascinating first hand perspectives comes from Robin Hanbury-Tenison OBE, who released his groundbreaking 26th book, Taming the Four Horsemen ( for signed copy available directly from Robin), just weeks before the Covid-19 kick off. Explorer extraordinaire and 84 year old survivor of Covid-19, after 5 weeks in a coma, Robin takes us on a journey that exposes the plague as one of the four main threats to the world today. He will enlighten and, perhaps, provoke you with solutions, suggested before the Covid-19 pandemic, and his current thinking, on the back of the ‘real’ thing. Also talking about the 1665 Journey of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe and Samuel Pepys’ diaries, Juliet Coombe, who recently wrote the epic book, Mayflower A Sea Change, will show us remarkable insights into pandemics including what happened over 350 years ago, through the eyes of Defoe, while Charlie Keeler editor of Mayflower A Sea Change will take us back 400 years to expose pandemic skullduggery in North America and its disastrous effects. The Native People, the Wampanoags, refer to it as the Great Dying, which killed vast numbers of their people, mostly through deliberate germ warfare, and completely wiped out the village of Patuxet, now Plymouth, Massachusetts, 'conveniently' around four years before the Mayflower Pilgrims arrived. This promises to be a very thought-provoking hour on The Mayflower story and the historical effects of pandemics, which will be chaired by Dawn Bébe, co-founder of Crowdfunder, who will be asking questions to the panel about how on earth we are all here again, despite our massive advances in technology, scientific research and global communications systems.
Includes: One hour webinar on Thursday Jan 28th, with questions, Price £10 (or £30 - inc p&p - with the a first edition Mayflower book sent in advance to your home - retails at £25).


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