Portfolio advice, please! Former teacher turned freelancer. I need a portfolio to be eligible to apply for a broader scope of roles...

... but where do I start?

When it comes to arts & crafts, the projects I've done have mostly been for fun, so I've paid little attention to photographing them 'professionally'. Some of my best work has focused on communicating a message, but I have little evidence of these examples.

The internet's a minefield:
- "your portfolio must comply with a theme" / "show a range of your best work, whatever it is";
- "show your best work only" / "share your failures as case studies";
Etc, etc.

The justifications for all of the advice online make sense, but seldom are links provided to prove that the author has a portfolio and actually knows what they're talking about!

I could really do with advice from a range of folk who can evidence portolio work, and ideally those who are applying for roles which span creative practices.

If you're able to comment on any of the following, I'd REALLY appreciate your advice:

1. Is it OK if your work was created by others? As a former teacher and facilitator, I have some examples of projects I've supported young people with. I'd help them to consider symbolism, the message they wish to communicate, colour semiotics, etc, but ultimately the work was not my own.

2. As a 90s kid, I've made a few 'art attacks' in adulthood (cheers Neil B for the inspo... but how can I utilise it professionally?). They're not perfect. Think snow day in the UK when you realise the opportunity for a snow scultpure, but the snow was unexpected, you don't have the gear to keep you warm, and you set out on a mission to create a climate inspired piece to prompt consideration of the crisis among passersby... but then realise it's taken you longer than you thought and you have to rush completion in order to attend to other engagements. The principle is there, but it's not gallery-worthy. Should I include examples like this, when I have little else to share?

3. Does a portolfio need to link to a theme?

4. Any advice for creating a portfolio when you're a jack-of-all-trades in creative practices? I claim not to be an expert in any of them. Creativity drives me to experiment with all manner of mediums and create all kinds of work! ...I just need to learn to evidence what I do!

Please be honest, as brutal as your comments may be :)


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