TukeWorks Productions is moving full steam ahead with the digital releases of all the Genma Visage Books! What lies ahead you may ask?

Greetings one and all! This is my first post on The-Dots. I'm normally a busy beaver on my separate media accounts, but all the same, I'll let everyone know I'm alive here too.

To introduce myself, my name is Thomas Tuke and I am an Illustrator, Concept Designer and Sequential Artist based in the U.K capital. My profile here will soon give you the gist of my skillset but in a nutshell, I do great art that people want to buy. My self-published comics that people also want to buy has put my name on the map. See the details and website below.

Beyond commissions and lengthy employed projects, Genma Visage will continue with the next release being the Novella Collection; the Book containing and greatly expanding the Lore stories "The Demonic Terror of the BloodFeud Nightmare" "The Battle of Bulru Shonat and Mahn-Gurudhum" and "Beasts of Tygrontuk", all of which compared to the web synopsis versions on the website will also include Bonus Artwork for the extended chapters.

In addition to the Lore Novella collection, I will be looking ahead with the production of Book 4 and Book 0 Part 3, both of which will conclude the Jacobi and Shemsu-Hor sagas respectfully. Alternately I am also working on a Side Project Lust of the Marid, and Adventure Fantasy story of a sensual, oriental twist. I'm currently in the process of starting the script along with yielding further concept art before the Comic truly begins, and this looks set to be my first crowd-funded project, the format of which may serve the purpose for future (collected) runs of previous Genma Visage titles. The days ahead look set to be most dazzling!

The icing on the cage is that I plan to bring the service for the merchandising of Genma Visage forward to this year, which will including Art Prints and T-shirts. It's early days and I'm researching for the best vendors (suggestions welcome) but as I do have a backlog of Comic Art that will look brilliant framed on a wall or splashed across the chest, it would be bonkers not to tap into these market. On a final note, based on the premise set from previous gift arts and commissions, I am lending a most vibrant thought into the Greetings Cards market as well. Likewise, suggestions are indeed welcome, though I do have a variety of ideas at my disposal.

For regular news, updates, further info and past endeavours be sure to check out the official website at https://www.genmavisage.com including links to my active social media accounts; Artstation, Deviantart, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and soon enough Patreon and Youtube as well.
Any further queries and interest? Feel free to ask! I'm readily available!

Keep well and keep safe.
x x x -TomT


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