Want to learn how to organize and start a professional portfolio? This Saturday is our last session and we have a few spaces available.

Artificial Kreativity presents the Intro to Portfolios online workshop

Intro to Portfolios was developed at our Cross Pollinator workshop as a short presentation to break down the basic elements of a portfolio and understand how to organize your work in a professional manner. We created this with the intent to help those without experience to gain confidence in starting a portfolio and for advanced creatives to structure their portfolio professionally.

Previously we have had multimedia artists, artists, illustrators, surface pattern designers, and many more creative practitioners join. Although intended for architecture students, the principles—graphics, text, visual communication, layouts and organization— can transfer to other creative industries.

Key Information
Date: Nov 30
Time: 1100 to1230
Location: Online
For more information and tickets visit: https://www.artificialkreativity.com/Intro_Portfolios


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