We are looking for sites, companies and services for active tester jobs.

If you know of any sites that are actively recruiting testers for applications, browser-based online services, or games from around the world, please share your knowledge with us.


  • Thanks for your response.
    I would be excited if we work together.
    Please feel free to contact me when the chance come to us.
    I will be here anytime and wait your request.
  • @Lucas Taylor Sorry it took me so long to respond, but thank you for sending me a message the other day.

    I am currently learning about programming-related topics, and I would like to create something together with you if we have a chance even after I complete the course.

    Currently, I have a few times to be a tester in detail, so please feel free to contact me for such a job.
  • Hey Naohiro, As a full stack developer with extensive experience in Frontend and Backend, I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience while ensuring seamless functionality and performance.
    Please contact me if you are interested.

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