What are some creative/memorable ways to answer the question 'Why do you want to work here?'


  • Cool question! I've had to think about this a lot too recently...

    I think many companies want to see that you're motivated beyond the perks of the job (often salary!). In which case, try and find away to align to the company's heritage, philosophy or core values.

    By doing this, you're showing that you fit the company's identity on a personal level because that's not a skill you can just train someone on like you could software ability etc. Beyond this, it shows that you've done your homework on the place you're applying for too. For example:

    "I would be proud to be a part of 'X Company's team because we both take pride in 'empowering the environmentally conscious consumer / other reason'. I do this by..."

    The above is just one approach, maybe it's food for thought!

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