Your friendly neighbourhood designer says hi!
Hey everyone!
Looking to make some new connections. I thought I'd put a post out to see if there are any creatives, business owners, agencies or studios that could leverage my skillset as a graphic designer specialising in logo & brand identity design.
I've been freelancing since 2018 and although I love the freedom it brings, what I've missed the most is the connectivity that you have when you're a part of a team. Going from working at a local video games studio with a very tighnit team to being completely solo took some adjusting.
For that reason I've actively been looking to collaborate with other creatives, thankfully last year I made my first partnership with a webflow studio based in LA who I'm so grateful to have met. We've worked on some pretty awesome stuff so far.
I'd love to collaborate more with others and make those connections as I know there's a lot we can learn from eachothers processes, experiences and knowledge.
It's also great to make new friends, ones that aren't afraid to give feedback or ask for help and someone you can go to for a quick chinwag. Hopefully I can be that person to some of you!
If you are looking to make a new creative friend that can help you out with your projects, or just someone to bounce ideas off of - let's connect!!
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