2014 Facebook Studio Awards

  • Charlotte Wheeler
  • Adnan Brljak
The Facebook Studio Awards celebrate creative excellence and best-in-class work on Facebook, as chosen by the top minds in the industry. Not only do they recognize excellence in creativity in execution, they set the bar for creative growth and evolution on Facebook, creating more engaging, delightful experiences for people, and helping to make Facebook an even more powerful platform for advertisers. Of course, they're also a chance to add some sweet hardware to your shelf.

Members of Facebook's Creative Council are invited to serve on the jury or appoint a proxy for the annual Facebook Studio Awards.

Our jury members reward exceptional work that best exemplifies the following:

Craft and execution: Is there a focus on high quality visuals, aesthetics and copywriting? Did your creative add to people's experience in News Feed? Did the work exemplify the brand voice and was it relevant for the audience?
Scale and targeting: Did you reach all of the people who matter to you? Did you reach them where they spend the most time—in News Feed and on mobile? Did you use Facebook marketing products to extend the reach of your message?
Business results: What metrics did you establish for your campaign? How did your Facebook campaign drive the overall business goals and ROI for the client?