21st Century Addictions

  • Amy Long

The internet is a simulation model for the real world, feeding imaginary desires and growing the need to want more. Everything is easier and faster to access while creating distance from real life obligations with limited responsibility. Social media platforms represent the same concept of idealism whereby you can project an idealised version of yourself, which foremost builds pressure and anxiety to obtain a standard of yourself that doesn’t even exists. The easiest part of living should be to be yourself because you are the only you and accepting yourself in this consumerist society will achieve more self-confidence than receiving likes and followers on Instagram. ​ This project analysed young consumers growing obsession with appearance and their constant need to impress and maintain a preferred image of themselves through social media platforms, while highlighting the links between certain behaviours and addiction. In recent years, studies show a growing concern over the matter and have investigated the detrimental effects of excessive tech use and their links to addictive behaviour. The issue was addressed in the form of a campaign using a stylish yet comical tone of voice to intrigue the target audience. The aim of the campaign is not to make users block out and delete social media as it is part of the society we live in but to realise life could be better without. To minimise wasting moments starring at a screen, watching people you don’t know talk about themselves, seeking gratification on insignificant matters from strangers and raising awareness on the mental health risks.