A collaborative film by Cristina Pedreira and Matthew Hammond created from their shared home while self isolating. The film experiments with paint, liquids and different densities to generate haphazardly moving abstractions. The moving images were recorded by Cristina Pedreira after Matthew Hammond’s music piece. 457 dyadic and triadic is an improvised piece using a self-designed scale based on a just intonation tuning system. Just intonation tuning uses musical intervals that are wholly based on the natural harmonic series, and using scales based on them allows access to intervals and sound colours that don’t exist in the standard equally-tempered Western tuning system. The film has been selected to be part of Strangelove Time-based Media Festival 2020 and it can be watched now on Strangelove's website Screen 1: https://www.strangelovefestival.com/cma-screen1/2020/7/29/cristina-pedreira