Do not ignore the Representation:
The overall representation of the cd jackets it another important aspect. It includes information about the music, composition, musician name, company logo, name, copyright statement, digital audio symbol, and much more that are required for the cd jackets printing. It is noticed that people may forget to add such details that will put you in a shady situation and you may fail to protect your product from stealing.
So, while designing the jacket sleeve for CDs pay attention to the material and information to add over the cover in a well-described format.
Make different from Competitor:
Competition in the market is the key to every industry. As a musician or composer, multiple companies and artists are working with different production setups. If you are designing and going to launch the music album, then pay attention to the uniqueness. Do not copy the design, layout, or anything that gives your product more resemblance to your competitors. It fails you to stand out in the market with a more different impression and recognition.
You can get the idea of what your competitors are having and on what kind of material, size, colors, and things they are working with. But after that produce the unique thing with a different impression to stand out in the competition.
Final Consideration:
As we know the packaging plays an important role in the product display and raises the sales volume. People will not just pay for the product but also for its cover and packing. With the attractive design, layout, and size you can make your brand different in the market. It is important to pay attention to the exclusive design and striking impression to get customer loyalty.