A Guide to Passive Income for Freelancers

  • Maja Nenadov Webster

If there’s one thing this last year has taught us, it is that every freelancer should probably take steps to diversify their income streams a little. Things can change in an instant, and having money coming in from a few different sources can make a huge difference to how risky freelancing is. Knowing that you’re not solely reliant on generating consistent client work – and still have money coming in from other sources – can be a real weight off your shoulders. However, many freelancers prioritise client work over everything else to the point that we think of other income streams when we get desperate. In this article, we want to inspire you to start building some other income streams straight away. So you can enjoy the many benefits! Continue reading here: https://freelancesuccess.co.uk/2021/04/16/a-guide-to-passive-income-for-freelancers/