A Parasitical Breed of Consumers

  • Jeannette Petrik

‘A Parasitical Breed of Consumers’ looks at the application of the theoretical insights developed through ‘Loopholes’, an essay on the personal discovery of political extremism. Gaps within urban structures enable users to step out of the role of being solely ‘consumers’ to becoming actors who produce from personal convictions and individual subjectivities. The ‘loophole’ I’ve chosen to explore within this project revolves around the distribution system of supermarkets and making unsold produce accessible. Rather than working closely with distributors I am exploring methods and strategies for individuals to become active taking advantage of freely accessible materials to transform them into objects of use value. Through the discovery of value in ‘low quality materials’ which are currently discarded, this project counters the economic logic we, as consumers, producers and distributors have gotten used to.