A peer-to-peer fashion rental platform

  • Amna Saleem-Walters
  • Beatrice Birolo
  • Andreas Reusser
  • dior goshen
  • Aaron Walker

THE KILLER MUSE is purely peer-to-peer lead which means it’s solely based on our users sharing clothes. We decided against wanting to hold any inventory because we didn’t want to contribute towards an already heavy consumption cycle. As our community grows, the more listings of designer pieces will be created which means there will be more to rent at a fraction of retail price. If there’s something that you won’t be wearing for a while why don’t you give the platform a go and list it and see how much money you can make? It’s always good to know you can make a bit of side money without much effort needing to be made #fashion #rentadress #rentanoutfit #fashionrental