A Seat in the Garden

  • Hunnigan Webster

From a seat in the garden, observing a man’s manoeuvres, understanding his habitual gestures, movements, and body language. The project seeks to discover how a sensory experience can induce a human connection and relationships when we are currently deprived of this. Choosing a family member allowed a comfortable position to document and observe Gordon, understanding how he lives and works in this space/garden. Through documenting and sharing this experience, the moving image piece acts as a gateway, triggering idea’s of sanctity, familial ties and death. The microcosm of the garden Is a tool to think about time, body and the cycle of life when you cross over to Gordon’s reality. ‘A Seat in the Garden’ touches on class and lifestyle in British society.

Understanding the set of principles underlying the habitual gestures or ways of behaving.  How taste is formed and defined within different class systems. The instinctive qualities are seen within postures, stances, and dispositions which are all predetermined by class, background and culture and how these create a non-verabl communication. As well as, the hierarchical relationship with other forms of life and how we adapt and change our surroundings throughout our existence, creating our own versions of reality, which sometimes collapse within each other.