'Abstracting Reality'

  • Maddison Crankshaw

In response to the i-dott live brief ‘A Sense of Abstraction’, I generated my own concept of ‘Abstracting Reality’; the idea behind this being to abstract and manipulate the shapes and forms found within my natural surroundings, as a way of detracting from what is generally perceived to be ‘reality’. With current colour trends in mind, my chosen palette for this project consisted of tones traditionally associated with nature and brighter elements to enhance the abstract concept. I responded to the live brief by collating a body of work that consisted of a variety of primary and secondary investigations, drawing and practical exploration and a final collection which was playful in regard to shape and colour. When working towards a final collection I took three different approaches; creating three individual collections that when collated together could form a diverse yet cohesive collection overall. Each collection contextualised for wallpaper, soft furnishings and upholstery fabrics.