• Esther Solomon-Turay

We are back in-person with our annual sixth book launch from the Founder of Authentic Worth Publishing’s latest book – Abundant Progress! Theme: ‘Abundantly progressing one day at a time.’ After two years of having our previous two book launches virtually, we’re excited to announce our sixth annual book launch in-person on Saturday 30th July at 2.00pm. We’ve missed our face-to-face launches where we can socialise, have fun and most importantly, learn and grow together. As you attend our launch, come with an open mind to understand the purpose behind Abundant Progress. We want you to maximise and soak up everything that will be discussed on the day. We have a packed, exciting and interactive launch set up for you! The purpose behind Abundant Progress - Abundance is vast. Progress is gradual. Put them together and it will take you on a journey. Abundant Progress is the ability to achieve greatness with the impact on progress being steady. Dedicated to the reader that is intentional about the essence of life and the valuable lessons learnt along the way, Abundant Progress brings awareness that challenges are inevitable as it increases tenacity and a growth-mindset that’s able to pivot and discover the hidden greatness within. The reader will learn how to embrace and welcome steady seasons of growth and understand the importance of being expectantly positioned mentally for expansion and not to remain complacent. The abundant life commences where gold is tested in the fire so that impurities are burned away, ready to produce a desired outcome. This shouldn’t take away the focus on enjoying the present moment, but taking each day as key lessons of elevation, preparation and perseverance. Living an abundant life requires working on your inner-character to build an asset-mindset. Be confident that abundant progress starts in you whilst embracing the gradual steps of the journey. Being consistent and loyal to your own journey will eventually lead to an organic abundance that can't be explained. We look forward to seeing you at the book launch on Saturday 30th July at 2.00pm. Make sure you bring a friend or two! Book signing will be provided alongside our other books and accessories available. Register on EventBrite today: https://abundantprogress2022.eventbrite.co.uk