Side Hustle/ Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Daily Creative Challenge 21/01-31/01

  • Robert Siggins

Recently I decided to challenge myself and participate in Adobe's Daily Creative Challenge over at, and present my results in a neat little portfolio.

Day 1: Photo Editing
Bring your photographs to the next level by using Clone Stamp, Healing Brush and Camera Raw to remove distractions, soften tones and add texture.

Day 2: Selecting & Masking
Create a trend worthy social media image by selecting, isolating and combining images with graphics.
Day 3: Colours & Blend Modes
Bring drab images to life using layers to apply colors, gradients and blend modes.
Day 4: Distorting Type
Design a postcard with custom text by using text tools, selections and clipping masks to manipulate text and place it in an environment
Day 5: Double Exposure Portrait
Create a double exposure selfie using masks and blend modes.
Day 6: Prismatic Shapes
Create a one-of-a-kind graphic print using gradients and filters.
Day 7: Compositing
Create a surreal scene by combining imagery with masking and adjustment layers.
Day 8: Painting With Light
Add magical light to any photograph using custom brushes and blend modes.
Day 9: Animation
Design, animate and export a before & after stories post.