All FTSE No Toes

  • Corey Hayman

'All FTSE, No Toes’ is a nine-minute video montage which depicts and explores the problematics that arise at the cross between representation and commodity structures. Through unpacking the make-up of the British cartoon character Rastamouse, a ‘hauntology of blackness’ is revealed to consider the long and withstanding complexities that are present in the representation of blackness and its relationship between object-hood and subject-hood. The use and juxtaposition of black cultural signifiers within the compilation (through the use of music, text and appropriated footage of the BBC production) probe at one of Hayman’s primary concerns; that of the constitution of blackness in relation to capitalist structures and the coloniality of power. This single channel HD video was shown as part of my postgraduate show and was the recipient of Goldsmiths' Warden's Prize.