• Madeleine Penfold

“For the first time ever I looked at myself in those pictures and I felt good about my body and my face. This shot was a reminder for me that my being non-binary doesn’t exclude the possibility of being and feeling sexy. It doesn’t matter how many people will be questioning my gender identity, or who won’t respect my preferred pronouns, or who will bully me because they don’t understand if I’m a “man” or a “woman”. All that matters is how I feel on the inside. I had always wanted to be photographed by professionals and to have my make-up done by someone who actually knew what they were doing. I felt like a proper model whilst George was doing my make-up. It was amazing to observe Madeleine setting up the photoshoot backdrop and coming up with more ideas to render the concept I had come up with even more beautiful. She was the one who proposed to revert the order of the photos: having the bridal figure on the right, Cupid in the middle and Venus on the left. Brandina’s words of praise fuelled me with confidence as she shot me in front of a warm golden light. By the end of the shot I felt so empowered, beautiful and sexy”.

Read Alma's full article and story here -