American Whiskey

Bringing great American Whiskey to Great Britain:

The American Whiskey category is growing rapidly, but consumers don’t fully understand it and there’s an undeserved perception that it’s less premium than Scotch.
Brown Forman’s brand portfolio, knowledge and expertise mean that they’re perfectly positioned to take the lead in helping consumers to get to grips with the world of American Whiskey.

Our Challenge:

To be the category champion. To inspire trial, discovery and advocacy.
Creating a digital experience that would position the site as an objective authority, whilst also heroing Brown Forman’s brands.

Our Approach:

Research showed that our target audience don’t all want to engage with American Whiskey in the same way. Some are purely driven by taste profile, some are interested in the founder stories and others are driven primarily by region or location.

We needed to create a site that would effectively meet all of these needs, enabling consumers to explore the content in a way that suited them.
It was also vital that all aspects of the experience be premium and immersive.

Our story content: was born. Perfectly tailor-made to the ways our audience wants to explore.

Centred around two content pillars of Discover and Enjoy; the site provides a perfect platform to absorb history and process. From purchase and discovery of new recipes, to which American whiskeys suit consumer taste preferences. They’ll learn how best to enjoy them, where to find them and also uncover the characters behind the brands.

Our immersive timeline and interactive content worked hard to make the experience one to be savoured. Please feel free to have a look around for yourself at