AMF Fastigheter - Urban Escape


Challenging the status quo

Urban Escape is the largest urban development project in central Stockholm since the 1970s and is planned for completion in 2019. The block is designed to meet Stockholm’s vision of a living city as a hub for Sweden’s political, cultural and economic life. The mission is to create an environment for innovation, creativity and co-creation where people want to be, and behind this daring project is AMF Fastigheter.

Be memorable

To attract tenants for the 62 000 m2 offices, and to motivate some of Stockholm’s highest fees, it was key to convey the vision of Urban Escape, rather than handing out traditional brochures and specifications. We wanted to create sales material that would not be tossed away when returning after a viewing, but rather activate the co-workers, the board, and the office purchase specialists.

A sneak-peak in the future

To visualize the innovative and inventive idea that permeates Urban Escape, AMF Fastigheter together with Mobiento / Deloitte Digital developed a 3D app. With the app you can experience rooftop environments in Stockholm’s future urban space. We used the latest virtual reality technology as a tool for presenting what Urban Escape will be, in line with the creativity that we want the area to be associated with.Most people have not yet had their first Virtual Reality experience, and by providing targeted potential tenants with a pair of VR goggles and a free app to download, we created both an impactful experience and a glimpse of the future.Additionally Mobiento / Deloitte Digital also created, a responsive web-service where one can read all details about Urban Escape, and follow the progress of the project.

Driving Interest

The Urban Escape Rooftop Experience app was launched in conjunction with a direct mail send-out to targeted potential tenants. The send-out included branded Urban Escape VR goggles. The respons rate was amazing; 27% responded and wanted to book a meeting, when the normal case is below 5%. The campaign also gained substantial media coverage in the industry press.