Anatomy of lymph nodes in different animal species

  • Niceway India
Dogs and cats:
  • Lymph nodes in animals are located throughout the body, including the neck, armpits, groin, and abdomen.
  • The lymph nodes are encapsulated and contain various types of immune cells.
  • Lymphatic vessels carry lymph fluid from tissues to the lymph nodes for filtration and removal of foreign material.
  • In dogs and cats, the popliteal lymph node (located behind the knee) is commonly used for diagnostic purposes.
  • Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, including the neck, armpits, groin, and thorax.
  • Cattle have a large number of lymph nodes in their digestive system, particularly in the mesentery.
  • The lymph nodes are encapsulated and contain various types of immune cells.
  • Lymphatic vessels carry lymph fluid from tissues to the lymph nodes for filtration and removal of foreign material.
  • In cows, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes can indicate various diseases, such as tuberculosis.
  • Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, including the neck, armpits, groin, and thorax.
  • Pigs have a large number of lymph nodes in their digestive system, particularly in the mesentery.
  • The lymph nodes are encapsulated and contain various types of immune cells.
  • Lymphatic vessels carry lymph fluid from tissues to the lymph nodes for filtration and removal of foreign material.
  • In pigs, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes can indicate various diseases, such as porcine circovirus.


  • Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, including the neck, wings, and legs.
  • Birds have a unique lymphatic system that includes multiple lymph hearts (small muscular sacs that pump lymph fluid) and lymph ducts.
  • The lymph nodes are encapsulated and contain various types of immune cells.
  • Lymphatic vessels carry lymph fluid from tissues to the lymph nodes for filtration and removal of foreign material.
  • In birds, the lymphatic system is important for maintaining fluid balance and immune function.
Overall, the anatomy of lymph nodes varies somewhat between animal species, but they all serve a similar purpose in the immune system: filtering lymph fluid and trapping foreign material for removal.

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