

London Historical Tour

Ancestry is the world’s largest genealogy company. The service helps people to discover the unknown, and often fascinating history, of their family tree.

The brief

Ancestry asked us to create a promotional video for the launch of a new collection of historic photos. Ancestry wanted to create a short video featuring their regular brand ambassador, Sir Tony Robinson at five London locations that appear in the collection and hold personal significance for him.
We had a half day to film with Sir Tony and around five locations across London, including: Tower Bridge, East India Dock Road, Shaftesbury Avenue, Nelson’s Column and Broadcasting House. We had approximately 45 minutes at each location so filming had to be fast. We needed a mobile crew who would be set up and ready to go the minute they hit the location.
We used a crew of five, which included a director, camera person, sound recordist, unit production manager and photographer. As you can see from the hustle and bustle in the background, the noise at the location created a tricky issue for the sound recordist and with limited time we needed to be on top of our game to capture high-quality audio and video.
Sir Tony was great to work with and a consummate professional so we were able to complete the required script at each location.