Antù Innovation Case Study

  • Courtney Brown

The company, Antu, Courtney is working with for the innovation case-study, is a spin-off team of entrepreneurs that were involved in the creation and implementation of an extremely successful cultural bar concept in Sao Paulo Brazil, who are looking to implement a development of the concept as a Skate-bar, this June in Lisbon. He is aiming to study the team dynamics, organisation and communication of the management team, as they approach the launch of their new venture this summer. The research will involve working with the assumed to be, entrepreneurial-lead of the team that has been scouting out a location, and networking with the skate-community, in Lisbon, for the past couple of months, and relaying the information found back to the team in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The plan is to record the initial casual and preliminary discussion using a pen and paper to note any observational insights or information regarding the team dynamics and back-and-forth communication process between the management team, as they develop with the progression of their launch campaign. Which I then plan to dig deeper into the experiences of the entrepreneur in relation to his role and the pandemic, by organising an interview exchange of questions, and audio note responses from the entrepreneur. This part of the process is important for the project, because the informal discussion may bring up the entrepreneurs' experience playing his role; searching for the most ideal location and suitable venue for the venture concept to have a successful impact, alongside the presumptuously, a consideration for the cultural adaptation and integration of their venture within the new local skate community, and in respect to the current precarious pandemic scenario. If time or necessary, a translation of a survey can then be sent out to the entire managerial team, to collect data on their experience and perceptions, of the communication process leading up to the launch of their company.